Pro Stencil kit contains both positive and negative design shapes that are used to create Black&Grey or color tattoos. Mix and match design elements fromthis and other design sheets to create endless possibilities of tattoo designs from small sized to full sleeves!
Each Tattoo Pro design sheet comes with an 8" x 10" durable 7.5ml solvent-proof mylar desheet with positive and neagative shapes and packaging that can be used as a folder for your stencil pieces or as a DIY custom tattoo design display poster.
Also included is an additional 8.5 "x 11" pre-printed design display poster featuring designs created with this kit.
10ml container of assorted colours and sizes!
Use these marbles to help mix airbrush paint!
Can be applied by airbrush (PSI 35)
The perfect addition to your glitter tattoo kit, Festival Ink creates a flat black tattoo that will be a hit with both kids and adults who don't want sparkle on their tattoo.