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Pebeo Cerne Relief Outliner - Silver - 20ml

Manufacturer: Hokey Pokey Inc.
SKU: 603784
Pebeo Cerne Relief Outliners is a dimensional, water-based paint . It can be applied on many surfaces including glass, polyester, acetate, canvas, and metal, 20 ml Tube with applicator nose.

Pebeo Cerne Relief Outliner - Silver - 20ml

Pebeo Cerne Relief Outliners can be applied on many surfaces including glass, polyester, acetate, canvas, and metal. Use them in your projects to create shapes and outlines, adding elements of dimension to your work.

Applt directly from the tube onto a clean surface. Clean with Water.

Air dry only as they are solvent based. Tack-free in approximately 1 hour, and fully dry in approximately 8 hours.

Price is for one 20ml tube with applicator nozzle.

Made in France

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